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Is Kenya Ready For GMO ?

According to a dispatch following the cabinet meeting on October 3, the Kenyan government claims that it reversed the GMO ban after taking into account things like the Kenya National Biosafety Authority's (NBA) guidelines, the need to adapt to climate change and a reduction in reliance on rain-fed agriculture. The Kenyan government repealed a ban on the commercialization of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton, a GM cotton type resistant to the destructive insect pest known as the African bollworm, during the same cabinet meeting. Following the lifting of the prohibition, President William Ruto tweeted: "We are implementing innovative and new farming solutions that will assure early maturity and higher food production to protect millions of Kenyans from recurrent starvation." Ann Maina, the national coordinator of the Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya, criticized the government's decision to lift the prohibition, claiming there was insufficient proof that ...

DP Ruto Is Neither Retaining Nor Converting

Nobody should be alarmed by the bile that DP Ruto spat out when touring Nandi County. Don't even try to take him seriously. A competitive procedure might result in either a victory or a defeat. In any case, everyone in this political arena is aware of their prospects.

International criminal court abandons case against William Ruto | Kenya |  The Guardian

Everyone running for president is aware of whether their supporters are genuine, manufactured, or both. The fact that they all have followers is crucial. Then follows loyalty and conversion. How many adherents are you able to keep during your pursuit? How many potential voters can you influence and persuade?

What counts now, at this crucial juncture, is where you see hope. Where do you claim that the future is better? Perhaps the sense of security that comes from one's heritage, culture, and tribe. Real optimism is generated by having one of your own in a position of leadership. Bad enough if the tribal figure plays the victim always.

No one is being inspired by the strained Ruto. People have a tendency to trust whatever we've always been skeptical of him as a matter of agency. He can stir people and be harsh toward an oppositional group while seeking power. He is unrestricted. It makes sense why his running buddy keeps saying "Yes Sir."

Hon. Musalia Mudavadi must be contacted for confirmation. Are you people happy, Senator Moses Wetangula? Do you feel at ease with the narrative he's attempting to tell while you're simply sitting there? What do you expect to happen now that you won't be delivering the necessary 70%?

The pace at which DP Ruto is dropping out of this race is moving in a different direction. Imagine being the front-runner for roughly three years—in fact, a lone ranger—and then, out of the blue, an opponent who is "weakened," in Dennis Itumbi's words. You created something with a King's backing, who is now promising a swift and effective dealing with you. In general, the banging mechanisms are misaligned. It is worthy of inhaling fire!


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