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Is Kenya Ready For GMO ?

According to a dispatch following the cabinet meeting on October 3, the Kenyan government claims that it reversed the GMO ban after taking into account things like the Kenya National Biosafety Authority's (NBA) guidelines, the need to adapt to climate change and a reduction in reliance on rain-fed agriculture. The Kenyan government repealed a ban on the commercialization of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton, a GM cotton type resistant to the destructive insect pest known as the African bollworm, during the same cabinet meeting. Following the lifting of the prohibition, President William Ruto tweeted: "We are implementing innovative and new farming solutions that will assure early maturity and higher food production to protect millions of Kenyans from recurrent starvation." Ann Maina, the national coordinator of the Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya, criticized the government's decision to lift the prohibition, claiming there was insufficient proof that ...

Money And Politics In Kenya

The cost of politics has risen to the point that it now costs a lot of money to LOOSE an election. A total of 16,259 Kenyans competed for the 1,882 positions in the August General Election, in a high-stakes polls that churned out the country’s highest number of losers.

Having spent at the lowest percentile, Ksh 5 millions to Billions in the highest percentile, 14,377 people lost. You can imagine the cumulative sum. It is distressing.

Becoming a politician in Kenya is financially very attractive. The salary paid to politicians, plus fringe benefits like car, house and travel allowances, offices and lifetime pension, are often too good to pass up. 

There’s another factor that could be driving the interest in political power. It is likely that the money going to counties from the national government will increase from 15% of the country’s total revenue to 35%. For some, this is a good enough reason to get into politics – to follow the money where it can be found, ostensibly to serve society. The truth is often different.

"Money in politics is like water going downhill—it finds its way, even if I believe it's a terrible system." (Alter, Jonathan)

Supreme Court Strikes Down Total Limits on Political Contributions | Time

A politician is said to be honest if he stays purchased after being bought. "When purchasing and selling are regulated by law, lawmakers are the first items to be purchased and sold." (O'Rourke, P. J.)

"In my opinion, nobody will bring about the reforms that are required in this nation for the middle class and working families unless we get a handle on money in politics and the extent to which big money controls the political process in this country."( Bernard Sanders)

"The voices of regular people are drowned out by the overabundance of large money in politics. The paradox in Kenya is that the more money you have, the more voice you have. That excludes regular people from the discussion."( Turner, Nina)

Are you a part of the equation as a Kenyan?



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